Thursday, April 21, 2016

Discussion Topics for Your Seder

A central aspect of Passover is for each of us to feel as though we ourselves were actually in Egypt and that we personally experienced the exodus and liberation. The Hagadah says that whoever adds to the story of Passover is praiseworthy. In that spirit, dialogue and discussion at the seder is encouraged.   Here are some things you might want to add to your Passover seder as points of discussion:
  • On Passover we celebrate that we were freed from slavery.  What is there that enslaves us or others today?  Are we slaves to work, to our electronic devices – our cell phones, texting, and so on?  On this holiday when we give up leavened products, can we do without our phones one day a week?  What would that be like for our families and interpersonal interactions and relationships? 
  • Passover celebrates when the Jewish people became a nation.  It also calls upon us to recall that we were once slaves so that we will be compassionate and understand the suffering of others as well.  Are the two perspectives mutually exclusive?  Do you think there are some who think of only one part of this message and neglect the other part?  How can you be faithful to the ideals of particularism, striving to ensure the survival of the Jewish people as well as to work for the universalistic ideals that are the hallmark of our heritage? 
  •  The Hagadah says that in each and every generation there are those who seek to annihilate the Jewish people.  Who could that refer to today?  In what ways does the effort to silence Jews and Israelis on college campuses and elsewhere and to isolate and ostracize Israel pose a threat to all of us?  What can we do about it?
  • And if in this election season, (with the MD primary coming up on Tuesday), if you want to wade into political issues:  How should we evaluate the candidates?  Which candidates do you think will be best for the Jews? 

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