reflecting upon Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent speech
before Congress and the issues he raised, I realized one of the reasons we are
all feeling so uncomfortable is because no one likes tension. The antics of the relationship between
President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu feels like when parents fight and
quarrel. As we all know, children hate when their parents argue and disagree,
especially in front of them.
for Israel has been bi-partisan and is the source of the strength of the
alliance. It truly is the one issue upon which Democrats and Republicans, who
cannot agree about anything, have been able to unite and act on in concert. Each
of us must do all we can to restore that trust and the bipartisan spirit of support
for Israel.
whole way in which the invitation and the events leading up to the speech were
handled went against the grain of this approach. A number of actors in the
drama fell for the traps set for them and played their part as partisans. Unfortunately,
while there were some who sought to lower the temperature, there were those on
both sides who exploited the fissure, further exacerbating and increasing the
offered an alternative that would have solved part of the problem and defused
the confrontational nature of the whole affair. It would have been far less
contentious if the speech took place in a neutral arena, a place where
Democrats and Republicans are welcome. But alas, my suggestion that the Prime
Minister give his speech at my synagogue, B’nai Tzedek, did not get much
here and in Israel raised concerns about the timing of the talk and its proximity
to the Israeli election. The speech was a gamble domestically because for every
vote Netanyahu may have picked up, he also risked alienating those who felt he was
exploiting the situation for his own political gain.
it appears that the polls in Israel indicate that it did not have any
negligible impact on Netanyahu’s standing with the Israeli public. Some say it
may have helped him pick up one seat at the most. Israeli voters are both
sophisticated and fickle. As someone
told a NY Times reporter a number of years ago before a heated Israeli
election, responding to why the actual outcome of the election was so different
than what the polls had predicted, “Israelis tell the truth to the pollsters,
but they lie in the voting booth.”
while speaking about partisanship, it is important to point out that the matter
of the seriousness of the threat to Israel and concern over the way the
negotiations are being conducted is of concern to all Israel, regardless of
party affiliation. The parties on the
left no less than those on the right agree that the threat posed by a nuclear
Iran is real and grave and that Iran must not be allowed to acquire nuclear
maybe it wasn’t just the Israeli election two weeks away, but another date that
was on his mind. The other date which
looms very large and which is the primary reason for the timing of the speech,
is March 31, three weeks away, the deadline for the current round of talks, a
deadline, which the Iranians have cleverly extended a number of times already. With
China and Russia having a say in the fate of whether or not Iran will be
allowed to have nuclear capability, no wonder Israel has cause for concern and
would want to appeal to the United States to better understand the perils of a
nuclear Iran.
most of you, I wish this all would have played out differently and that the
focus would not be on the drama of chemistry between the Prime Minister and our
President, and that the invitation would have been truly bi-partisan, as the
letter said it was, and that it would have gone through proper channels of
the speech coincided with the holiday of Purim, much was made of the time when another
Persian sought to annihilate the Jewish people. But there is another parallel
between the Megillat Esther and today as well. Mordechai told Esther that she
had to go to the king and speak on behalf of her people to save them from
imminent destruction planned by Haman. She explained that she could not go, for
to do so would violate protocol as one could only approach the king when
summoned or invited. Nevertheless,
Mordechai told her that the issue was that urgent and the situation so dire
that she had to take the chance of offending the king and even violate protocol
if necessary to make her appeal on behalf of her people.
all that I have read and heard, one of the most interesting was an article entitled,
“President Obama, listen to Netanyahu on Iran.” The writer who unequivocally
states that he is no fan of Netanyahu says, “The Israeli Prime Minister managed to
hit the nail right on the head when he said that Middle Eastern countries are
collapsing and that 'terror organizations, mostly backed by Iran, are filling
in the vacuum'”. The article is significant
because the author is Faisal Abbas, a respected Arab journalist who is
Editor-in-Chief of Al Arabiya English.
Clearly, Israel’s concerns are shared by other American allies in
the region. Its aggressive actions in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria, not to
mention the attacks on Jewish centers in Argentina and against its own citizens,
are all signs of a regime willing to act forcefully against those who oppose it.
With Hezbollah as its proxy, Assad as an ally, terror its tactic of choice, repression
its modus operandi, and gaining hegemony in the region its goal, there is good
reason to be worried about Iran’s intentions and ambitions.
Israel has every right to be worried about an agreement that will
apparently leave the reactor in Arak operational, the enrichment facility in
Natanz working, and tens of thousands of centrifuges spinning, with a short
break out time to develop a bomb, especially with a regime which has a track
record of deceiving inspectors and who cannot be trusted to uphold
Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld famously said, we know
what we know, and we know what we don’t know, but we don’t know what we don’t
know. When referring to the secretive, clandestine nature of totalitarian Iran,
where even the International Atomic Agency expresses frustration that deception
is taking place even while the negotiations are going on, this is especially
Ross, an early supporter of Obama’s candidacy and former Middle East
negotiator for the Obama and other administrations, writes of the
concern expressed by Mr. Netanyahu that the break-out
time for producing weapons-grade uranium of a year will inevitably be too short,
that inspections of the Iranian program will be too limited, and the lack of actions
to be taken if there are violations. Ross cites as one of the most
disconcerting features, “that Iran will be treated like Japan or the
Netherlands after the agreement expires in 10-15 years, permitting it to build
tens of thousands of centrifuges and enabling it to produce a weapon at a time
of its choosing.”
While some said that Netanyahu did not offer any alternatives, Ross said
that the Prime Minister both offered a number of alternatives and pointed out
why this deal is not in the best interests of the United States, the region, or
the world. “While the Obama administration is unlikely to accept his argument
that it should simply negotiate better and harder, it should not dismiss the
concerns he raises about the emerging deal. Indeed, the administration argument
that there is no better alternative than the deal it is negotiating begs the
question of whether the prospective agreement is acceptable.”
The concerns raised by the Prime Minister about Israel’s security are
legitimate, having to do with the nature of the inspections and the difficulty
to trust Iran, the lack of any specific actions linked to violations, the short
break out time, and retaining the ability to continue to develop missiles whose
only purpose is to carry weapons of destruction. All are legitimate questions
to raise at this time.
Let us not lose sight of perhaps the most important
point of all raised by the Prime Minister: Is it unreasonable to expect that
Iran stop calling for the destruction of Israel if sanctions are to be lifted
and it be allowed to proceed with a nuclear program?! Their threats of
annihilation need to be treated as more than just empty rhetoric, especially
since their financing of terror operations against Israel are consistent with
the grave verbal threats they issue. They
have not taken any steps or shown any movement away from their expressed intent
to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
They have not taken any measures, symbolic or real to earn our trust or
to show that they will pursue a different, conciliatory path.
The alternative to rejecting the deal need not be war
as some have said. It is to negotiate a better deal. It is to not lift the sanctions, but to
maintain them and tighten them so that it will be in Iran’s best interests to
give up its desire to acquire a nuclear weapon.
While there are those who object to mention of the
Holocaust as dredging up the past, we Jews know the importance of remembering
history and of learning from it. Considering what tyrants have done to us
throughout the ages, we have every right to remind the world of what has
happened before. That is why we have a Sabbath called Shabbat Zachor, the
Sabbath of Remembrance, and why we will soon celebrate the holiday of Pesah which
also emphasizes the importance of historical memory.
Another important time to remember is May of 1967. The
leader of Egypt, Gamal Abdul Nasser, called for the destruction of the state of
Israel, and rallied millions of Arabs with his demagogic chants to push the
Jews into the sea. When he demanded that the UN peace keeping force in the Sinai
be removed so he could attack Israel, the UN complied immediately. As Israel’s
Foreign Minister Abba Eban asked, “What good is it to have an umbrella if the
moment there is a threat of rain it is removed?” So Israel is justified in
feeling it cannot rely on international guarantees to ensure its security and
It is difficult to see how giving so many concessions to Iran with so few
safeguards, coupled with skepticism over the ability to detect violations, will
ensure peace or stability.
We Jews ascribe to the vision of the prophet Isaiah who dreamed of a day
when war and bloodshed would cease. He envisioned a time when all will realize
we have not come into being to hate or to destroy, and when all shall lie down
and no one shall terrify another. Isaiah looked forward to the time when nation
will not threaten nation, and mankind will not again know war.
We pray that the appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that the
prophet’s call will come to pass, and that all will realize leaving Iran with
the ability to obtain nuclear weapons will not bring to fruition the prophet’s
dream that love and justice will flow like a mighty stream and peace will fill
the earth as the waters fill the sea.