Rabbi Weinblatt giving the closing
benediction at Governor O'Malley's
Inauguration on January 10, 2011
We know O God that we face difficult challenges, for the needs are great, and the resources are limited. And so we look to You, the Infinite One, for we know that we do not possess all the answers, nor do we have the solutions to all that confronts or ails us.
By accepting that there is a Being greater than any one of us, we recognize that there is a Force that calls upon us to find the good in each of us.
If we acknowledge that there is an Entity that demands that we work to bring justice, tolerance, equal opportunity and peace to our world, then we will realize that we must learn to work together to bring to fruition the noble goals You expect of us.
So let us turn to You O God, for, when we consent to be guided by the Divine Will and Spirit we become better people and acquire a much needed sense of humility.At a time when there is too much violence in our society, when our civil discourse and dialogue is excessively divisive we need to find ways to disagree, to debate, and to differ, without being, defiant, contentious or hostile or to wish ill of those with whom we disagree.
At a time when there is too little cooperation we need to be reminded that there is much more that unites us than what divides us.
We the people, and You the Holy One demand no less of us, or those who represent us.
And so we ask that You bless our public officials, those whom we have chosen to lead us with grace, compassion and goodness. Help to give strength and wisdom to those whom we, the people have chosen to serve us. Bless our Lt. Governor, Anthony Brown and our Governor Martin O’Malley and those whom we have elected to work with them.
May Martin O’Malley, a gifted and talented leader, a sensitive and decent man, a devoted and loving father and husband, a visionary and creative servant of the people, (and a pretty good musician) find favor in your eyes. Grant him strength, fortitude and wisdom.
May he inspire us to tap the unrealized potential in all of us. May he lead us to achieve the greatness that he has articulated so eloquently, that we so desperately want and that we hope to achieve.